Human Toilet | Scat Princesses

All articles tagged with "Human Toilet"

These hot mistresses were bothered by this guy and they told him off but he was insistent. They told him they like scat fetish to put him off but he did not seem to worry about it. The mistresses were joking but now had to go through with it. They took the guy home and made him eat their shit and he did it, shocking the mistresses who decided to keep him as a slave since he was willing to do anything they wanted.

It had been long since this mistress had diarrhea. She tried to eat bad food in the hopes of getting it. Today she did and she yelled at her slave to rush to where she was. When he came, she turned him into her own human toilet. She shit into his mouth and made him eat her diarrhea. Since some remained on her ass, she made him lick it all away.

Mistress Gaia took her slave to her dungeon so that she could humiliate and punish him without any interference. She had a good time beating him up but she saved the best for last. She crushed his balls using her hands and she made him eat her shit. The slave had never had that kind of punishment before and he was not only in pain, but he was humiliated and degraded beyond measure.

When this mistress is pissed off,she does crazy things. Like today when her slave pissed her off, she decided to punish him using her shit fetish. She made him eat her shit and drink her pee. He was shocked she could make her do that but she did not care what he thought as long as he did what she wanted. She used a spoon to feed him till he ate all the shit.

Mistress Roxy was in the mood to humiliate. It did not matter that her slave had not done anything to her. She just had to humiliate him because that is one of the reasons why she had him. She used him as her human ashtray and enjoyed seeing him in pain before she made him her human toilet and shit on his face. Luckily she did not ask him to eat it.

Karina had a talk with her best friend that somehow disturbed her... her best friend talks about human toilets and really wanted to try out being one! Karina is curious about that statement and wants her friend to lie down on the floor... she crouches down above his face and drops a big turd on in. He really was serious about it!!! He doesn't complain but copes with the shit on his face perfectly!

Mistress Anna has decided for an extreme condition of pain with lust. After this lesson the slave will never again be satisfied by a normal sexual behavior. Mistress Anna uses an electric ring that she puts on his useless penis and that sets waves of pain free around it, but though he gets stimulated and beneath his cries he's horny and hungry. While his penis torture happens quite autonomous, Mistress Anna takes her time to shit all over his face to the sound of his screaming voice. After that she kicks his balls and masturbates his dick... conditioning successful!

Mistress Emily walks into the room, with a short pink skirt and freshly tanned skin. She sticks her ass towards her slave that can't wait for what's next to come. He worships her beautiful ass, when she pulls her thong aside. You can watch her asshole stretch that moment, when the shit hits the spot and fights his way out of her belly and meets her slave's mouth. He greedily sucks all of it.

Princess Nikki is a mistress who likes to have fun whatever she feels that is. She found this mean old guy who was a pain in the ass of others and she sought to make him mellow a bit. So she invited him to her house and she made him eat her shit. She shit as he watched and then fed it to him with a spoon. He was humiliated and disgusted and mellowed like she wanted.

I was bored in the house today and luckily my slave messed up. I took advantage to make him pay for it and to have fun and kill boredom. I wanted it to be an experience like no other so I got naked and told him to lie down. He couldn't anticipate what was next. I made him lick my ass as I farted into his mouth and told him to inhale my farts.

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